Qərbi Kaspi Universiteti


Translation (English, German, French, Chinese)

Programme: Translation (English, German, French, Chinese)

Duration of studies: 4 years

Credits: 240

Type of study: full-time

Tuition and discounts: PDF_file >

Study languages: Azerbaijani, Russian and English

Programme >

The Bachelor's in Translation is a comprehensive programme aimed at equipping students with strong written and oral language skills, providing a firm foundation in translation and language theory and the latest translation techniques. Graduates master modern written and translation skills and translate in and out of their native language. Students work with texts from various fields including politics, the economy, science, technology, and the medical and legal fields. Students also study various literary texts and written expressions, look into the restoration of the original forms of text, and determine their meanings.

Upon successfully completing the programme, students embark on careers in state and private institutions of higher learning, international organisations as translators, editors, technical writers and translators.
