Qərbi Kaspi Universiteti


Chair of Ecology

Activity of the chair of Ecology includes safety and environmental expertise of technological projects, protection of human life from harmful effects, monitoring, forecasting and elimination of harmful effects on the environment, elimination of consequences of emergency situations, development of new systems, information programs improvement, organization of environmental monitoring, certification of measuring equipment, metrology of measurements in the field of chemistry, biology and medicine.


  • Ecology
  • Ecology and rational use of nature
  • Management
  • Basics of environmental expertise and design
  • Ecological monitoring
  • Modern problems of ecology
  • Ecology of urban environment
  • Ecological basics of reclamation and reclamation
  • Radioecology
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Forest protection
  • Waste production process
  • Fundamentals of Taxicology
  • Use of nature's economy
  • Acrometeorology
  • Greening and park farming
  • Complex use of water resources
  • Hydrology
  • Engineer geodesy
  • Physical basis of remote sensing
  • Cartography
  • Photogrammetry
  • Basis of soil science
  • Geoinformation Systems
  • Fundamentals of Land Management
  • Land structure project