Qərbi Kaspi Universiteti



Program: Forestry

Duration of studies: 4 years

Credits: 240

Type of study: full-time / part-time

Tuition and discounts: PDF_file >

Study languages: Azerbaijani, Russian and English

Programme >

The programme focuses on the theory of forestry and forest composition and structure. We explore the role of natural events in forest formation, the application of chemistry breakthroughs in forestry development, the norms of pesticide usage, anatomy, morphology and systematisation of higher plants, climate role in forestry development, the organisation and management of forest agriculture, physiological and biochemical processes in trees and bushes, the biology of forest animals, forest parasites, and the characteristics of tree species. Students are trained to effectively carry out forestry management planning including measures to control pests and pathogenic organisms as well as analyse forest dynamics and plant genetics.

The Laboratory on Forestry and Wood processing technologies contributes to the development of practical skills among students. Students also have access to the newly developed Geomatics Centre, where they draw precise forest plans and maps with the help of modern devices and software. Students discover the latest geodesic tools and conduct lab experiments and tests. The Centre is equipped with Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing stations. These are used to carry out complex analysis and automated vectorization of forest areas based on satellite data.

Students learn to devise specific geo-information systems of forest areas. With the help of CIS/CAD technologies, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing software, students develop different scale maps depending on the type of forest area and tree species, to create a specific data base and learn to employ integration systems.

Students may pursue careers in the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, research institutes, international forestry projects, etc.
